24 Quick habits for a healthy 2024

A new year gives us a blank canvas ready to be painted with vibrant shades of personal growth and well-being. In a world where health concerns are on the rise, taking charge of your life and embracing positive lifestyle changes have become more important than ever. And guess what, babe? Today's post is here to help you embark on a journey of self-care, offering you 24 practical habits to elevate your physical, mental, and emotional health in 2024. 

These simple habits pack an extraordinary punch when it comes to your health. We'll delve into essential areas like diet, exercise, stress management, and sleep, exploring how they shape our daily experiences. Are you ready to take the first, tiny steps toward life-changing transformation?

But, first things first; amazing things happen when we give ourselves the gift of time. Our advice? Choose two habits each month to focus on, giving yourself the space to grow and flourish. Here's the secret ingredient: momentum. As you cultivate these healthy rituals over time, they become second nature. Imagine the joy and sense of accomplishment you’ll feel by the end of 2024 when you look back and realise how far you've come.

Never underestimate the power of the small steps you take each day. That being said, the beauty of change lies in our unique paths to well-being. What works for you may not work for someone else and remember — the power to customise your approach to these habits lies firmly in your capable hands. 

Habit 1: Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning

Starting your day with a glass of water is a simple habit with big benefits. It rehydrates your body, boosts energy, improves digestion and skin health, and strengthens your immune system. Plus, it's a refreshing way to wake up and set a positive tone for the day. Try keeping a glass by your bed, setting a reminder alarm, or adding lemon or lime for flavour (Sachdeva, 2022).

Habit 2: Start taking your preferred Motherkind Collagen consistently 

Taking your Motherkind Collagen on a consistent basis can help to improve the general problems associated with ageing, while promoting your overall health and well-being. 

To take your Motherkind Collagen consistently, follow the dosage instructions on the label of your Motherkind Collagen product and take your collagen at roughly the same time every day (Gardner and Martynov, 2022). 

Habit 3: Create a daily routine 

Having a set routine can help to reduce stress and anxiety, improve productivity, boost energy levels, improve sleep quality, and create a sense of balance and order in your life (Brennan, 2021). 

Tips to stick to your routine:

  1. Start small - Rome wasn’t built in a day! 
  2. Be realistic - Your routine should include the things you would actually do. 
  3. Be flexible - Life happens, it’s important to stay flexible in your routine because every day is not going to be the same. 
  4. Make it fun - Finding ways to make your routine fun means that you will be more likely to stick to it.

Disclaimer: The important thing is to find a routine that works for you and to stick to it as much as possible.

Habit 4: Pay attention to and listen to your body

Paying attention to and listening to your body is important because it can help you to identify and address health problems early on, make better choices for your health, reduce stress and improve your overall well-being.

We suggest:

  1. Pay attention to the physical sensations and emotions in your body.
  2. Listen to your gut instinct – It isn’t called the sixth sense for nothing!
  3. Regularly check in with your body. 

By doing this, you can learn more about your needs and make choices that are good for your overall health and well-being (Freer, 2021).

Habit 5: Exercise regularly 

Exercising regularly is the best way to maintain good health. It strengthens your heart and cardiovascular system, builds muscles, improves mood and sleep quality. It helps you lose weight and lowers your risk of developing chronic diseases such as Type 2 diabetes, cancer or Alzheimer's (Rippey, 2021). 

Habit 6: Only focus on the things within your control

Focusing on the things within your control is important because it reduces stress and anxiety, improves focus and concentration, and leads to a more positive outlook on life. To focus on the things within your control, identify the things you can control, focus on your strengths and abilities, set realistic goals, take action, and accept the things you can't control. Focusing on the things within your control is a skill that takes practice, but it is a skill that is well worth learning (Starkey, 2019).

Habit 7: Take care of your gut health by taking Motherkind Bloat Away Capsules

Gut health is important for digestion, immune function, and mental health. To take care of your gut health; eat a healthy diet, drink plenty of fluids, get regular exercise, manage stress, and take probiotics. Motherkind Bloat Away Capsules are a good source of probiotics and other ingredients, like malt extract, fennel powder, aniseed powder and marjoram powder that have anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antimicrobial properties for improved gut health. They are a safe and effective way to support gut health and overall well-being (Bratskeir, 2023).

Habit 8: Wear sunblock every day

Wearing sunblock every day helps to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays, which can cause sunburn, premature ageing, and skin cancer. When choosing a sunscreen, look for one that is broad-spectrum and has an SPF of 30 or higher. Apply sunscreen liberally to all exposed skin and reapply every two hours, or more often if you are sweating or swimming (Durst, 2020).

Habit 9: Schedule time every day to be completely offline

Scheduling time every day to be completely offline is important because it reduces stress and anxiety, improves focus and concentration, boosts productivity, improves sleep quality, and strengthens relationships. To schedule time every day to be offline, set aside a specific time each day to be offline, turn off your devices during this time, find activities that you can do offline, and don’t forget to let others know that you will be offline during this time (Kudrličková, 2022).

Habit 10: Incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet

Fruits and vegetables are nutrient-rich, low in calories and fat, high in fibre, and may help to reduce the risk of chronic diseases. To incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet, make them the VIPs of your plate; eat a variety, make them convenient, add them to your meals and snacks, and make them fun and interesting (Ansel, 2022).

Habit 11: Have good sleep hygiene

Good sleep hygiene is important for improved mood and brain function, it reduces risk of chronic diseases, improves physical performance, and strengthens your immune system. 

We’ve created a short routine to help you have healthy sleep hygiene:

  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, even on weekends. This will help to regulate your body's natural sleep-wake cycle.
  • Create a relaxing bedtime routine. This could include taking a warm bath, reading a book, or listening to calming music.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed. Caffeine and alcohol can interfere with sleep.
  • Make sure your bedroom is dark, quiet, and cool. Darkness helps to promote the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep.
  • Get regular exercise, but avoid exercising too close to bedtime. Exercise can help to improve sleep quality, but it's important to avoid exercising too close to bedtime, as this can make it harder to fall asleep.

(Suni and Vyas, 2023)

Habit 12: Stop smoking or vaping

Smoking and vaping are both harmful to your health and can lead to a number of serious health problems, including cancer, heart disease, lung disease, and other health problems. Smoking and vaping are also addictive. However, quitting smoking or vaping is one of the best things you can do for your health. There are a number of resources available to help you quit. Quitting smoking or vaping is not easy, but it is possible. With the right support, you can quit and improve your health for life (CDC, 2022).

Habit 13: Prioritise self-care 

Self-care is important for reducing stress, improving mood, boosting energy levels, and strengthening relationships. A self-care routine can include exercise, meditation, spending time in nature, socialising with loved ones, getting enough sleep, and doing activities you enjoy. Here is an example of a simple self-care routine:

  • Morning: Start your day with a glass of water and a few minutes of stretching or meditation.
  • Afternoon: Take a break from work or school to go for a walk, listen to music, or read a book.
  • Evening: Wind down for the day by taking a warm bath, reading a book, or spending time with loved ones.

Adjust this routine to fit your own needs and preferences. The important thing is to find activities that help you to relax and de-stress.

(Rocky Vista Health Centre, 2021)

Habit 14: Keep your space clean and clutter–free

Keeping your space clean and clutter-free is important for reducing stress and anxiety, improving productivity and focus, improving air quality, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries, and making your space more inviting and enjoyable.

Here are some tips for keeping your space clean and clutter-free:

  • Declutter regularly. Go through your belongings and get rid of anything you don't use, need, or love.
  • Put things away where they belong. This will help prevent clutter from accumulating.
  • Clean regularly. Set aside some time each day or week to clean your space. This will help to keep it clean and clutter-free.

(Gordon, 2023)

Habit 15: Spend more time in nature – barefoot on the grass

Spending time in nature has a number of health benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving mood and overall well-being, boosting energy levels, improving sleep, and strengthening the immune system. Walking barefoot on the grass has additional benefits, such as grounding, improved foot health, and sensory stimulation. To spend more time in nature, go for a walk, hike in a nature reserve, sit by a lake or river, or walk barefoot in the garden. Even a short amount of time spent in nature can have a positive impact on your health and well-being (Levine, 2021).

Habit 16: Laugh often

Laughing often is important for reducing stress and anxiety, improving heart health, boosting energy levels, improving relationships, and increasing happiness and well-being. To laugh often, watch funny movies or TV shows, spend time with funny people, read funny books or articles, play funny games, joke around with friends and family, and don't take yourself too seriously. Even if you don't feel like laughing, trying to force a laugh can still have some of the same benefits as genuine laughter (Rindfleisch, 2014).

Habit 17: Limit binge drinking

Binge drinking is a dangerous behaviour that can have serious consequences for your health and well-being. It can increase your risk of accidents and injuries, alcohol poisoning, long-term health problems, mental health problems, and social problems.

If you often find yourself binge drinking, it is important to limit your alcohol intake. Set a limit on how many drinks you will have each day or week and stick to it. Eat before you drink, pace yourself, alternate alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic drinks, and know your limits. If you are feeling drunk, stop drinking.

If you or someone you know is struggling with binge drinking, there are resources available to help. Talk to your doctor or a mental health professional, or contact a support group such as Alcoholics Anonymous (Buddy T, 2020).

Habit 18: Have more orgasms

Having more orgasms has a number of benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving sleep quality, strengthening relationships, improving self-esteem, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. To have more orgasms, communicate with your partner, experiment with different positions and techniques, don't be afraid to masturbate, and take your time. It is also important to always practise safe sex! If you are having trouble having orgasms, talk to your doctor, a sex therapist or a counsellor (Wade, 2022).

Habit 19: Choose chocolate – Motherkind Chocolate Collagen Kind Bar

Chocolate has a number of health benefits, including improving heart health, reducing the risk of stroke, boosting brain function, and improving mood. Dark chocolate is the healthiest type of chocolate, and the Motherkind Chocolate Collagen Kind Bar is a good choice because it is made with decadent milk chocolate and contains added collagen. Collagen can help to improve skin health, joint health, gut health, and boost energy levels. Overall, the Motherkind Chocolate Collagen Kind Bar is a delicious snack that can offer a number of health benefits (Nordqvist, 2018).

Habit 20: Brain workouts 

Brain workouts are important for improving brain function, including memory, attention, concentration, and problem-solving skills. They can also help to protect the brain from age-related decline and reduce the risk of dementia. Some examples of brain workouts include puzzles and games, like Sudoku, learning a new language, playing an instrument, exercise, and meditation.

To get started with brain workouts, choose activities that you enjoy, start slowly and gradually increase the difficulty, be consistent, and don't be afraid to challenge yourself. Make brain workouts a part of your daily routine to reap the benefits (Suzuki, 2021).

Habit 21: Learn to set boundaries and stick to them 

Setting boundaries is important for protecting your physical and mental health, improving your relationships, and increasing your self-esteem. To set boundaries, identify your needs and wants, communicate them to others clearly, and be prepared to enforce them. To stick to your boundaries, be assertive, be prepared to say no, and stay consistent. Setting boundaries can be difficult, but it is an important skill to learn for a happier and healthier life (Olsson, 2022).

Habit 22: Opt for the stairs

Opting for the stairs instead of the lift or escalator is a great way to get more exercise, strengthen your muscles, and improve your cardiovascular health. Start by climbing a few flights of stairs at a time and gradually increase the number of flights you climb each day or week. Make it fun by listening to music or talking to a friend while you climb and reward yourself for taking the stairs (Murray, 2021)!

Habit 23: Start every day on a positive note

Starting your day on a positive note can have a big impact on your overall well-being. It can set the tone for the rest of the day, improve your mood, make you more productive, and improve your relationships (Livingston, 2021).

Habit 24: Surround yourself with people who make you happy

Surrounding yourself with positive people is important for your happiness and well-being. Positive people can boost your mood, reduce stress, increase your self-esteem, and make life more enjoyable. Identify the positive people in your life and make time for them. Be a positive person yourself to attract positive people into your life. It is also important to be mindful of the people who have a negative impact on your life. If there are people in your life who make you feel bad about yourself or who bring you down, it is okay to limit your contact with them (Sinsara, 2014).

This list of 24 habits represents a healthy lifestyle from every angle: nutrition and exercise, mental health, relationships—you name it!

Small changes made consistently over time can have a big impact. By embracing even a few of these healthier habits, you can experience increased energy, improved mood and sleep quality—and enjoy the benefits that come with better immunity.

New Year’s resolutions offer us a chance to reflect on our habits and think about how we want to change for the better in the coming year.

By improving your wellbeing, you can create a happy and healthy 2024 for yourself. The journey begins with a single step. The question is, are you ready to take it?

Works Cited
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